The Wedding Singer


The Wedding Singer


Eileen McCann (P.Dip.AGMHons)

An experienced vocalist, violinist and guitarist who is able to organise and perform the finest quality music for your Wedding Day.

Best known for her crystal clear voice and exceptional vocal range, Eileen ensures that your choice of Wedding music is performed in a warm and professional manner. Your music selections can be as vast as traditional music and hymn selections to contemporary favourites.

As part of her service, Eileen can also liaise with the Celebrant or Priest if required to 
ensure the smooth running of your ceremony.

Wedding singer


To Dear Eileen,

Many thanks for helping us make this very important time memorable. Music was a very special part of Kath’s life (and ours), and she would have really loved your amazing voice, especially knowing that you are of Irish descent like her.

I hope our paths will cross again, but next time on a much happier occasion.

Kind regards,
Rob, Nadia, Christine, Ray and the Warin Family

Thank you so much for filling in on such short notice.

I appreciate how you are so compassionate and professional helping me choose the current music.

Thank you again,
Maureen Murville

Your contribution to Prem Chandra’s requiem mass is greatly appreciated by the family. God Bless.

Kids regards,
Chandra Family

Thank you for providing instrumentation and vocals at the funeral of my father, Johan Hermsen, as such short notice.

You bestowed a serene and relaxing atmosphere to a very sad occasion.

With deepest appreciation,
Liesbeth Reid

Funeral service planning

Advanced planning of your service will help your family immensely. It is a comfort to all concerned when you have already chosen the style of service you would like together with your musical tribute preferences.
Choose whether it is a religious or secular funeral, the style of flowers, the music you do or do not want to have played or sung. Would you like to nominate a charity for donations instead of money being spent on flowers? Plan the readings or poems you would like presented or included in the funeral brochure.
Your personal input into the ceremony will add depth and integrity to your service.
The service of ‘Planning Your Own Musical Tribute' is conducted in a one off meeting, which is comparable to creating a will. Eileen will help you set in place the details of your own future funeral. This is documented with copies to be kept with your will and with your next of kin. It can be as detailed or as simple as you wish, the goal is to remove stress, doubt and unnecessary cost during your loved ones' time of grief.

Funeral service planning

Advanced planning of your service will help your family immensely. It is a comfort to all concerned when you have already chosen the style of service you would like together with your musical tribute preferences.
Choose whether it is a religious or secular funeral, the style of flowers, the music you do or do not want to have played or sung. Would you like to nominate a charity for donations instead of money being spent on flowers? Plan the readings or poems you would like presented or included in the funeral brochure.
Your personal input into the ceremony will add depth and integrity to your service.
The service of ‘Planning Your Own Musical Tribute’ is conducted in a one off meeting, which is comparable to creating a will. Eileen will help you set in place the details of your own future funeral. This is documented with copies to be kept with your will and with your next of kin. It can be as detailed or as simple as you wish, the goal is to remove stress, doubt and unnecessary cost during your loved ones’ time of grief.