Tribute Checklist
Remembering the unique person who has died:
- Publish the Obituary Notice in the local paper
- Presentation of the coffin can be with photographs, a special book, personal belongings, e.g. medals, hat, pipe, rosary beads, etc. A flag may be draped over the coffin. Flowers or the placing of single roses by family members.
- Flowers and plants are a way of decorating the location of the service. These are displays of sympathy and support by family and friends.
- Type of service: Religious or secular?
- Eulogy and Readings: Ask family members and friends (who are comfortable with public speaking) to give a fitting tribute or eulogy (suggest 2-5 minutes each). It is important to check with the Minister regarding the appropriate length of time, number of speakers and where it should be said in the service.
- Organise funeral music: With the singer or the minister, as they are familiar with the funeral service. It is important to discuss the songs with the Minister as some are not in favour of certain songs/hymns being played or sung during their service.
- A memorial slideshow is a beautiful way to showcase the life of your loved one. It can also be a great way to share condolence messages and memories of the deceased. This can be screened prior or during a funeral service, or wake, to celebrate the life of the deceased. Photographs and film footage can be combined with favourite songs and music to create a vivid and enjoyable focus for the recollection of happy memories. Alternatively, Eileen can sing or play the violin to accompany this, just let her know how long your ‘photo tribute’ will be.
Always nominate someone to take the prepared memorial slideshow to the venue prior to the funeral day to ensure that it works with the venue’s equipment – this avoids any unexpected complications on the day. - Live stream the service: If significant family members or friends are unable to attend it is helpful to arrange for the service to be live-streamed. Many funeral homes and places of worship are now equipped to provide this service, but it needs to be arranged in advance, and links sent out to your loved ones. Alternatively you can arrange to record the service as a video or audio file on your digital device.
- Delegate the role of making payments on the day for sevices, e.g. Minister, Musician, etc.
Order of Service Booklet
Front Cover
Ideally a photo of the deceased, their name, with their birth date and the date they were born into eternal life.
The location of the funeral service and the funeral date.
Body of the Booklet
This depends on the type of service. (Example for Catholic Funeral Mass)
Name of the Entrance
Blessing of the Coffin
Opening Prayer
Eulogy can either be delivered before the First Reading or after Communion
First Reading
Responsorial Psalm (state whether it is ‘to be sung’)
Second Reading
Alleluia Verse (state whether it is ‘to be sung’)
Gospel Reading
Prayers of the Faithful
Offertory (list the hymn)
Communion (list the hymns ‘to be sung’)
Eulogy (if not already delivered)
Final Prayers
Prayer Of Commendation
Recessional Hymn